Before I start blogging again I should say what has happened in my life over the past year and since my last post. In 2011 my oldest Elena became a Junior in High School and in December 2011 I found out I was pregnant. Yeah, a huge shock but a blessing and prayer that was answered on Gods timing and not my own. Fast forward through 2012 to July when I had Micah and when she turned one month, my oldest daughter Elena entered her Senior Year of High School. In February 2013 we became the Campus Pastors of our church, Elena graduates from SMHS, Micah turns one and we go on vacation to DisneyWorld, a first for all of us. 2013 was full of lots of firsts and many blessings and as Pastors a definite learning experience and we are continuing to learn through Gods guidance and grace. I couldn't come back to blogging without giving a background of where I've been and I have no clue what 2014 holds for my family, for my marriage, for myself or for our church. I have to admit though that is the fun part. So here is to a great 2013 and to 2014.

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